Newest member of the goat herd!

The newest member of the goat herd arrived on time this morning. Suzy delivered a 5 lb baby boy this morning about 7 AM. He and Momma are doing fine!…

Ah, Spring. The time of babies

Babies, babies, babies. We got ’em around here. As you know, we have baby goats, called kids. Suzy is still expecting. (She’s the one in the back left corner.) She’s…

What’s Going In The Garden

It’s cold again. At least this is temporary and hopefully the last cold snap of the season. I have starts that need to go in the garden! They are getting…

MooCow’s babies

Well, if you are keeping up with us, you know that MooCow had 2 babies yesterday around 5:30 PM. We knew 2 was a possibility, but for a first kidding,…

Baby Goats Soon!

We are officially on baby watch! Our girls are due beginning April 1. The average gestation for goats is 150 days, so anytime between 145-155 days is normal. This is…

Eggs are coming in

It’s spring and the days are getting longer so our chickens are beginning to lay more eggs again. We are getting about 13-15 eggs a day. We have 24 hens,…